اگر احساس ميكنيد سايتهاي ارائه كننده وبلاگ ايراني مثل پرشين بلاگ، بلاگفا و حتي بلاگاسپات و ماياسپيس، جوابگوي شما در ارائه يك وبلاگ شيك و سريع نيستند، پيشنهاد ميكنم tumblr را تست كنيد!ابتدا اين معرفي جالب كه توسط pluggedout انجام شده را بخوانيد و بعد، اقدام به ثبتنام كنيد:If you sometimes think writing a blog post is a bit too much, and you wish you just had some kind of online scrapbook, then Tumblr might be just what you are looking for. It provides easy means of posting thoughts, quotes, links, conversations, photos and videos. There is no way of commenting, so it really is just a splurge of the things you want others to know about - with no real impetus to write acres of body about them inviting comment. It’s an online scrapbook. Interestingly, you can also aggreg... (ادامه)