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90 وال.پیپر اپلی! (90 Apple Wallpaper)

کلاً دیدن Wallpaperهای مرتبط با اپل هم به انسان روحیه می‌دهد، چه برسد به درگیر شدن با محصولات این شرکت!

بد نیست برای تغییر روحیه هم که شده، نگاهی به این نود عکس زمینه بیندازید...

Apple Wallpaper

بقیه عکس‌ها در ادامه متن...

Apple Wallpaper

Simply beautiful..

Mac OS Building

Apple Wallpaper

Another photo shoot of Apple store?

Apple, Think Different

Apple Wallpaper

Apple and iPhone

Apple Wallpaper

Watchout, the iPhone is going to fall!

Turquoise Apple

Apple Wallpaper

Ruby Apple

Apple Wallpaper

Purple Apple

Apple Wallpaper

Several versions of Golden Apple Ads: Turqoise, Ruby and Purple. What's next? Sapphire?

Apple Life

Apple Wallpaper

All of sudden, I feel hungry. And healthy.

Feel the Apple Pulse

Apple Wallpaper

Metal Apple

Apple Wallpaper

Digital Apple

Apple Wallpaper

Glass Apple

Apple Wallpaper

Must handle with care, or it will break..

Silverscreen Apple

Apple Wallpaper

Flaming White Apple

Apple Wallpaper

Hm.. I think, I have seen this somewhere before.. Ok, forget it.

Apple Gradius

Apple Wallpaper

Simple Apple WP

Apple Wallpaper

Since when Apple lives inside WP?

Just Apple

Apple Wallpaper

This one is my favorite. And of course, my current wallpaper.

Apple on Wood

Apple Wallpaper

Apple iShine

Apple Wallpaper

Apple in Hiding

Apple Wallpaper

Don't hide my Apple please..

Silver Apple

Apple Wallpaper

Apple in Hiding 2

Apple Wallpaper

The Apple is like being put inside something.. But what's that something?

Apple V2

Apple Wallpaper

Black Apple on Metal Surface

Apple Wallpaper

The surface looks like my Mac G5's chasing.

Feel the Power of Apple

Apple Wallpaper

This is the reason not to minimize your Window while using Apple. Simply hide it.

Apple Moon

Apple Wallpaper

Brushed Apple

Apple Wallpaper

Simply Apple Black

Apple Wallpaper

Apple Mac

Apple Wallpaper

And here I am, threw away windows and bought a Mac.

Apple Power

Apple Wallpaper

Apple for Powerbook

Apple Wallpaper

The right part suits your Dock.

Black Apple Vogue

Apple Wallpaper

Apple, Apple, Apple, Apple!

Apple DNA

Apple Wallpaper

Three apples a day should make you very healthy.

Blue Apple Wall

Apple Wallpaper

An Apple A Day

Apple Wallpaper

Bye, Doctor!

Apple in Glass

Apple Wallpaper

Got Your Apple

Apple Wallpaper

Apple Milked

Apple Wallpaper

Apple Logo

Apple Wallpaper

PowerBook Apple

Apple Wallpaper

I Have Apple

Apple Wallpaper

Luminous Apple

Apple Wallpaper

Small Apple, Big Apple

Apple Wallpaper

Space Metal Apple

Apple Wallpaper

Apple Spotlighted

Apple Wallpaper

Orange Apple

Apple Wallpaper

Apple, No Need Reformat

Apple Wallpaper

Starry Apple

Apple Wallpaper

Apple Vortex

Apple Wallpaper

Apple Lightning

Apple Wallpaper

Clear Apple Mac

Apple Wallpaper

Apple, Speed It

Apple Wallpaper

Simply Mac

Apple Wallpaper

The Leopard Inside Wallpapers

Resting Leopard

Apple Wallpaper

Snow Leopard

Apple Wallpaper

Shiny Leopard

Apple Wallpaper

Lazy Leopard

Apple Wallpaper

Snow Leopards in Pair

Apple Wallpaper

Snow Leopard 2

Apple Wallpaper

Leopard with Apple Nose

Apple Wallpaper

Sleeping Leopard

Apple Wallpaper

Green Eyes Snow Leopard

Apple Wallpaper

Leopard in the Ruin

Apple Wallpaper

Mac OS X Wallpapers

Black Leopard Skin OS X

Apple Wallpaper

Purple Moon

Apple Wallpaper

Leopard Aurora

Apple Wallpaper

Fast Moving OS X

Apple Wallpaper

Mac OS X Leopard

Apple Wallpaper

Dark Mac OS X Aurora

Apple Wallpaper

The Universe

Apple Wallpaper

Sea Aurora

Apple Wallpaper

The Leopard Space

Apple Wallpaper

Viva La Vida

Apple Wallpaper

Think Different Glass

Apple Wallpaper

[ارسال شده در مورخه : شنبه، 16 آذر، 1387 توسط Hamid]
[ #گرافيك]

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توسط علی در مورخه : شنبه، 1 خرداد، 1389
نمی دونم چرا ولی من عاشق اپل هستم و از شما ممنونم که این عکسهای زیبا رو گذاشتید و مطمعناً از اونا واسه wallpaper گوشیم و کامپیوترم استفاده می کنم. البته بگم که قبل از این کارها سایت شما رو به عنوان Home page در نظر گرفتم

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