چهارشنبه ۱۸ مهر ۱۴۰۳ |  عضویت / ورود

Kaspersky Anti-Virus - Final

اين آنتی ويروس تمام راه های محافظت از شما در برابر ويروس ها را دارا می باشد ! Kaspersky Anti-Virus با تمامی سيستم های عامل ها و تمام ابزار هاي كمكي نظير Firewall ها و e-mail gateways سازگاري دارد.
اين نرم افزار ضد ويروس علاوه بر اسكن كردن سيستم شما به منظور يافتن و از بين بردن ويروس ها ، توانايي مونيتوينگ سيستم شما را نيز دارد به اين مفهوم كه نرم افزار هميشه در حال فعاليت بوده و از ورود هر گونه برنامه آلوده و مخرب به سيستم جلوگيري به عمل خواهد آورد .

منبع : P30Tools.Com


Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus (KAV) provides all types of anti-virus protection: anti-virus scan-ners, monitors, behavior blockers and integrity checkers. It supports all of the most popular operating systems, e-mail gateways and firewalls. KAV controls all possible virus entry points. Kaspersky Lab's powerful and flexible local and network management tools for auto-mation and centralized installation and control over anti-virus protection provide maximum convenience and minimum time wasted when building your own structure of an anti-virus defense
Kaspersky Ant-Virus Personal Pro provides full-scale protection with some additional protective components a behavior blocker and integrity checker; appropriate for experienced users seeking the best anti-virus protection

Kaspersky® Anti-Virus 6.0 combines reactive antivirus detection methods with the latest proactive technologies to provide your computer with the most effective protection against malicious programs. The product is simple to install and set up, while offering advanced users a range of versatile settings for fine-tuning the program
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 integrates seamlessly with the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems (including Microsoft Windows x64) and is fully compatible with other security programs (for example, firewalls)

Size : 16.9 Mb


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Password : www.p30tools.com

[ارسال شده در مورخه : دوشنبه، 9 بهمن، 1385 توسط Hamid]
[ #نرم افزار]

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