مايکروسافت به تازگي سرويسي با نام Windows Live Folders ارائه کرده است که کاربران از طريق آن به 500 مگابايت فضاي رايگان بر روي اينترنت دسترسي خواهند داشت. (هر فايل، تا سقف 50 مگابايت)البته اين سرويس هنوز د رمرحله بتا قرار دارد و ممکن است به خوبي کار نکند.برخي ويژگيهاي اين سرويس، به گفته سايت LiveSide :Windows Live Folders allows you to upload your files to the cloud, providing access to them from an internet browser (both IE and Firefox are supported). The key part is using Windows Live ID to limit access to the files you have uploaded, allowing you to keep them private, share them with contacts, or make them public. With Windows Live, it's the sum of the parts that gives it so much potential. Here's a summary of the Folders service: Personal Use personal folders to back up imp... (ادامه)