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How could we keep our hearts young?
پست تاریخ: جمعه 28 فروردین 1388 - 01:05    
مدیريت كل سایت
مدیريت كل سایت

پست: 5504
عضو شده در: 31 اردیبهشت 1384
محل سکونت: -::ساوه::-

امتياز: 47846

عنوان: پاسخ به «How could we keep our hearts young?» خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

Dear MHGH,
Don't speak as a Muslim Razz
Consider that you have born in a Secular family and you're looking for a way to keep your heart young.
Yes, I know faith is the best way of keeping heart young but do we really believe it? or we say what our ancestor (niakaan) said?
If we believe it, why don't we have a young heart?
When I said "Let's go and look for the best way of keeping our heart young" I meant if we go and really look for it, surely we'll understand that there are no ways better than God. In this case we would have a REAL FAITH, now, our heart would be young.
Did you get?
Allah says:
فبشّر عباد الذین یستمعون القول و یتبعون احسنه
In Farsi it means:
به بندگانی که قول‌های مختلف را می‌شنوند و از بین آن‌ها بهترین را بر می‌گزینند و پیروی می‌کنند، بشارت نیکو بده
In other words, God says: You people! No problem, Go and look for the BEST WAY and follow it. I'm sure that finally you'll reach to this conclusion: Allah and Islam are the best ways.
GOD doesn't have any fear of our searching, instead he encourages us to do so.
Why doesn't he have any fear of that? Because he is sure that finally we'll be back to him. Wink
Hope to get my point.

So, finally as you said, one of the most effective ways of keeping our hearts young is believing in God and being Muslim. But these are not enough! we need to do what Islam says.
In other words, if we accept that Muslim's God offers the best way, it's the turn of looking for the ways of keeping our hearts young in Islamic instructions.

I'll find some Hadith about this subject and hopefully I'll send them here... You too, try to do so Wink

Thanks for reading

[ وضعيت كاربر: ]

تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 
تشکرها از این پست: hoory (جمعه 28 فروردین 1388 - 10:41)

پست تاریخ: یکشنبه 30 فروردین 1388 - 12:42    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 129
عضو شده در: 7 بهمن 1387
محل سکونت: usa and Iran

امتياز: 1238

عنوان: پاسخ به «How could we keep our hearts young?» خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

Hi friends.I want to add something to what I said before . As you all know selfconfidence is very important and plays abig role in our lives.Faith

(iman)inspire(elgha mikone)or arouse(barmiangize)confidence in people

and when you have a very good selfconfidence(etemade be nafs)you will

never feel weakness.On the contrary(baraks) you will become a powerful

or mighty(ghavy)person who is able(ghadere)to do anything

To accomplish(be anjam resandan) any difficult job is so easy no matter

how old you are.Even if your age in your birth certificate(shenasname

seems to be a big number!!!You can have the same feelings(ehsasat) and

strenght(niroo)as a teenager(nojavan) even sometimes more.and maybe

you can beat(shekast) him very easily in a competetion(mosabeghe)!!

like a piece of a cake!!(mesle abe khordan خنده به تمام معنا

[ وضعيت كاربر: ]

تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 
تشکرها از این پست: Hamid (یکشنبه 30 فروردین 1388 - 18:45)

پست تاریخ: سه‌شنبه 1 اردیبهشت 1388 - 07:34    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 129
عضو شده در: 7 بهمن 1387
محل سکونت: usa and Iran

امتياز: 1238

عنوان: پاسخ بهhow could we keep our hearts young? خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

Hello friends.I was reading an article about some important factors in

relation to relaxation (aramsh)and cheerfulness(shadmaby) which cause

freshness(tazegy),vigor(niroo) and spirit(rooheye) or in other words youth

(javany).One of them is having a little bit activity(faleyat)from any kind(az

har noey)that increases a substance(made)called enborphin in body which

brings about(miavarad ya baes mishe) the felling of joy(sarkhoshy

so dont be lazy.Another thing is eating food enough especially breakfast.

The lack(kamboode)of blood suger(ghande khoon) makes you feel bad.It

makes you feel frail(sosty va zaf) and depressed(kesel va bi hosele).The

lack of vitamines and minerals(amlah) make you feel weak and

depressed too.another important thing is having good friends .Try to find

some good friends and share your time and experiences wiht them

(zaman va tajarobeton ra ba anha dashte bashid).The article says if you

want to be young and happy you need good friends .They will bring you

a very good time full of joy in life.The last point mentioned in the article

is the miracle (majeze)of laghter(khande).laughing Plays a big role in your life

naghshe bozorgy dae zendegy bazy mikone) and its good feeling makes

you a new person.It makes you forget your sarrows (ghamha)and

stresses .It causes to excretion(tarashoh)usefull substances in body

which makes you feel relaxed,happy and young so follow these very

good and essential instructions.(peyravy konid az in dastorolamalhaye

khoob va asasy) Good luck]

[ وضعيت كاربر: ]

تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 
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