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Age is just a number
پست تاریخ: سه‌شنبه 18 فروردین 1388 - 17:51    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 129
عضو شده در: 7 بهمن 1387
محل سکونت: usa and Iran

امتياز: 1238

عنوان: خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

Hello Dear feiend hamid.First I thought that you were exagerating (mobaleghe)about the amount of difference between your pictuer and your grandfather"s picture because you love him so much but to be honest with you when I compare(moghayesekardam)them with eachother now I see you"re completely right.You look much older than him!!!!!! خنده به تمام معنا
After kidding with you I should say the correct form of one of your sentences is:
Its because of the lack of their knowledge but what you meant by that sentence ;I mean you think The reason of their being young its because they arenot knowledgable would you please explain it more Thanks alot

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این مطلب آخرین بار توسط hoory در یکشنبه 23 فروردین 1388 - 19:58 ، و در مجموع 1 بار ویرایش شده است.
تشکرها از این پست:

پست تاریخ: سه‌شنبه 18 فروردین 1388 - 21:02    
مدیريت كل سایت
مدیريت كل سایت

پست: 5504
عضو شده در: 31 اردیبهشت 1384
محل سکونت: -::ساوه::-

امتياز: 47846

عنوان: خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

Yes, I mean "Their lack of the knowledge"!
Look! a baby doesn't know the meaning of FIRE, it is because he doesn't have any fear of fire!
It's really funny, I know, but I personally think sometimes our problems are the result of our knowledge!! Shocked we have an interesting poem in this case:
چه رنجی می‌کشد آنکس که انسان است و از احساس سرشار است
The tribulation is the result of sensibility!

Now if we accept this matter, a question would appear in our mind:
Is our "un-longevity" (tool-e-omr nadaashtan) and not having a young heart, the result of our much knowledge?
Or in other words: Does my grandfather have longevity and young heart because he doesn't know a lot of things that we know?
Or what we know is not what we should know!!!?
I know, you're mixed up Mr. Green I think it's a real philosophy discussion! Surprised

Anyway, forget about it, please explain the term "Young Heart".
What are the characteristics of a Young Heart?
In your opinion who has a Young Heart? Question

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تشکرها از این پست:

پست تاریخ: سه‌شنبه 18 فروردین 1388 - 22:59    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 129
عضو شده در: 7 بهمن 1387
محل سکونت: usa and Iran

امتياز: 1238

عنوان: خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

Hello dear friend. it seems as you told me a few Hours ago you have been knocked down by working hard and the lack of your sleep made you make the same mistake again which I corrected before.You know maybe we can call that a common mistake which is seen or heared a lot.I explained it to our dear friend chaser sometime ago.Look her sentence was:her gift of her birthday which the correct form is the gift of her birthday or another form which is easier and more common:her birthday"s gift
now abut your sentence:their lack of knowledge we say;The lack of their knowledge(kamy daneshe anha) you can easily keep it in your mind : the lack comes together.for example the lack of our water sources even we have such a sentence in english:I really feel the lack of his presence at home or beside me.Apart from this matter I can get your meaning now.Yes you"re really right and that beautiful poem explains this fact clearely.Now take my advice seriously.Take a rest as soon as possible.I think before that you need to turn off all your phones and more important than that forget all jobs Very Happy

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تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 

این مطلب آخرین بار توسط hoory در یکشنبه 23 فروردین 1388 - 20:01 ، و در مجموع 1 بار ویرایش شده است.
تشکرها از این پست:

پست تاریخ: چهار‌شنبه 19 فروردین 1388 - 00:03    
مدیريت كل سایت
مدیريت كل سایت

پست: 5504
عضو شده در: 31 اردیبهشت 1384
محل سکونت: -::ساوه::-

امتياز: 47846

عنوان: خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

Thank you آفرين
What a nice point:
you easily can keep it in your mind : the lack comes together

Surely I'll re-schedule my stuffs. Wink

Thank you

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تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 
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پست تاریخ: چهار‌شنبه 19 فروردین 1388 - 08:24    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 410
عضو شده در: 11 شهریور 1387
محل سکونت: tehran

امتياز: 5613

عنوان: خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی ارسال email

hello dear friends

i do not agree compeletly with you hamid and hoory

if u mentioned my post i had told u about cave people

they had been midleage but god says they were young

and i explaine why god says something like that to them

and we know god dose not say or give respect to who does not deserve

as reasult i should say

the young heart depend on what we think and how we live

and it has not any realation with knowlage

u know
we know most famous people who is old with a young heart

most of our emams peace be upon them were old but they had young heart

most of our sientists or poets or ... were old but they had young heart

all the knowings were and are old but they had and have young heart

and you know all examples that i said are about who has a lot of knowlage

then the knowlage can not be a excuse for that

be happy

[ وضعيت كاربر: ]

تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 
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پست تاریخ: چهار‌شنبه 19 فروردین 1388 - 10:21    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 129
عضو شده در: 7 بهمن 1387
محل سکونت: usa and Iran

امتياز: 1238

عنوان: خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

Hello dear freind.I should say youre right and I thinkk dear friend hamid also agree with you as he said its a little bit philosephic discussion.I said poem is explaining that if you are sensetive and uderstand a lot of things which others dont you will experiences a lot of feelings such as sadness,fear,anxiety and depression while others dont.You have surely seen some insensetive people who dont care anything in their lives!Nothing at all.There is an expression in farsy which says:everybody who suffers(ghose mikhore)he becomes old soon.Dont you agree.I personally believe it.there are some people whose black hairs have turned to gray in one night.all of us know it or heared about it.it was all i got from our friend"s talking and that poem.he himself can come and says his meaning.
Now I want to correct your mistakes sentence by sentence.
In sentence 3;look at your verb its wrong you said;If you mentioned my post that i had told you about cave people;mention means say(goftan ya zekr kardan) you should say consider(dar nazar begirid)or pay attention(tavajoh konid)
sentence 4 I told you before we never use had+past participle(mazy baeed) about age exactly the thing i mentioned in your last post please dont make my blood pressure go up(Feshare khoone mara bala nabarid lotfan) Very Happy
sentence 5 So and? what is it?.look if you pay attention to the meaning of your sentences you will easilly realise(tashkhis midahid) they are wrong.
again in sentence 5;the correct sentence is:God doesnot respect anybody who doesnot deserve it.
sentence 6;the correct form is As a result
sentence 7 the correct form is:Having a heart young depends on what we think
sentence 8;the correct form is:It doesnt have any relation
sentence 9 the correct form is:we know many famous people or the most famous people who are old with young hearts
sentence10 what do you mean by ?:all the knowings.I have no idea what you wanted to say
sentence11.instead of has you should say have
sentence!2;instead of a excuse you should say an excuse
Thanks for your concern(tavajoh ya deghat)ofcourse if there is any concern!I really have doubt(shak daram)that you will concern dear mhghbut I try to be optimistic(khoshbin basham)
Very Happy Very Happy

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تشکرها از این پست:

پست تاریخ: چهار‌شنبه 19 فروردین 1388 - 10:38    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 410
عضو شده در: 11 شهریور 1387
محل سکونت: tehran

امتياز: 5613

عنوان: خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی ارسال email

ببخشيد كه نا اميدتون مي كنم

من درست بشو نيستم Very Happy

knowing =عارف

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تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 
تشکرها از این پست:

پست تاریخ: چهار‌شنبه 19 فروردین 1388 - 18:38    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 129
عضو شده در: 7 بهمن 1387
محل سکونت: usa and Iran

امتياز: 1238

عنوان: خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

Unfortunately I myself thought of getting such an disappointing answer from you so dont wory because I dont wory either,lets be happy Very Happy
You know this famous sentence is my motto(shoar)

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