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Age is just a number
پست تاریخ: یکشنبه 16 فروردین 1388 - 17:29    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 129
عضو شده در: 7 بهمن 1387
محل سکونت: usa and Iran

امتياز: 1238

عنوان: Age is just a number خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

Hello dear friends.Lets talk about something which is heared a lot these days.Who is really old and who is really young?There is a famous expression in any language:Age is just a number!Do you believe it?.We iranians say a similar sentense:Your heart should be young :wink
Maybe you see some old people with many wrinkles on thier faces but you realise that they are more energetic and active than alot of young persons.It seems strange but its completely true.To my surprise I personally have seen a lot of old people who are notonly emotionally butalso phisically younger than alot of young people.I t seems really funny to you if you hear that there are some old fathers who get up early in the morning and go to work while their sons are used to sleep until noon!!! Very Happy
Believe or not many of those old fathers have jobs even after retirement!!! :gij
While their young sons have got stuck to bed and tv.The most callory burning work for them can be electronic games and surfing in the net,ofcourse sometimes they add watching useless satelite chanels and
internet sites to their other useless hobbies Wink
I personally believe they really deserve to get prize for lazyness and wasting time or better to say killing time
exactly at the time that their wonderful fathers deserve to get prize for their sacrifice in life and their endless support when they themselves need supporters
What do you say?whats your opinion?.Please share your ideas with us thanks

[ وضعيت كاربر: ]

تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 
تشکرها از این پست: gtm396 (یکشنبه 16 فروردین 1388 - 21:20)

پست تاریخ: دوشنبه 17 فروردین 1388 - 12:00    
مدیر انجمن زبان - مترجم سايت
مدیر انجمن زبان - مترجم سايت

پست: 769
عضو شده در: 29 فروردین 1386
محل سکونت: تهران

امتياز: 7132

عنوان: خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

yes its a good topic
I agree with you
As my father do,Although he is nearly 60 years old he is still working
I bet!!! my brother cannot work as my father Embarassed never eve r Rolling Eyes

We have an Italian coleague who is more than 70 years old. you can not imagine how he is energetic and active
he is strong and young,If you see him you will think that he is 40!!!!!

If you were instead of me , when he told me about his skills in sports and arts, you would get shoked

[ وضعيت كاربر: ]

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تشکرها از این پست:

پست تاریخ: دوشنبه 17 فروردین 1388 - 13:19    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 410
عضو شده در: 11 شهریور 1387
محل سکونت: tehran

امتياز: 5613

عنوان: خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی ارسال email

there is noway for me and i have to be old till i do something that u mentioned

this topic have come in qoran and qoran says young pepole to who sleep in cave

some pepole asked from holy profit peace be upen him

the pepole who had slept in cave they had had more than 40 years old why qoran call them they r young

that holy person answerd

caus they heart is young and their age up to their heart

i agree with u and i try to keep my heart young

know days u can see old pepole who huiking when their children r sleeping

[ وضعيت كاربر: ]

تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 
تشکرها از این پست:

پست تاریخ: دوشنبه 17 فروردین 1388 - 15:24    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 129
عضو شده در: 7 بهمن 1387
محل سکونت: usa and Iran

امتياز: 1238

عنوان: خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

HelloMy friends.Since I know my colleage is so humble and kind I want to tell her something as a duty.and I am sure this mistake happened to her maybe in writing fast which exactly happens to me and everybody else sometimes or maybe she didnt have much concentration while writing.Its a good and important point in english;How+adjective+subject+verb
Look at her sentence:you cannot imagine how he is energetic and young.The correct sentence is :How energetic and young he is.
About my dear friend mhgh i should tell him Please be careful you are making me a little bit angry by that kind of writing
He knows I am always pulling his leg Very Happy
Take a look at all mistakes which I found in your writing
I think in your first sentence you meant:I have to wait to become old to do those things
The topic has come.....and actually for the rest of your sentence I canot have any idea what you meant maybe many people like me cannot find any clue(sare nakh)either!! Surprised
Please come back and take a look at the second and the third sentences and please tell us finally who said or asked and who were said or asked and about what they were asked thanks a lot خنده به تمام معنا
another point we dont say:they had had more than 40 years old!! maybe you meant they had spent more than 40 years
They heart is young no their heart are young and we dont have such a sentence:their age up to their heart.I think you meant their ages are up to how young their heart are. at the end knowdays is wrong I know you always say that your dictation is bad we write nowadays or todays or thesedays Ok I let you go to do some practice
A famous expression says:PRACTICE MAKES PROGRESS
good luck everybody

[ وضعيت كاربر: ]

تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 

این مطلب آخرین بار توسط hoory در یکشنبه 23 فروردین 1388 - 19:51 ، و در مجموع 1 بار ویرایش شده است.
تشکرها از این پست:

پست تاریخ: سه‌شنبه 18 فروردین 1388 - 07:45    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 410
عضو شده در: 11 شهریور 1387
محل سکونت: tehran

امتياز: 5613

عنوان: خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی ارسال email

Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

i hate my dictation so i should write in farsi

ممنون از اين كه هميشه اشكالات منو تصحيح مي كنيد

جريان اصحاب كهف رو گفتم كه تو قرآن به اونها جوان خطاب شده در صورتي كه اونها انسانهاي بالغي بودند. وقتي عده اي از فكر كنم رسول خدا صلي الله عليه وآله مي پرسن كه چرا اونها با اين كه بالغه مرد بودن جوان خطاب شدن ايشون مي فرمايند كه چون اونها قلبهاي سليم و جواني داشتند . يعني سن اونها يا هر شخص ديگه اي بستگي به قلبش داره نه سالهاي عمري كه گذرونده.

آخيش راحت شدم

خدا كنه كه تو فارسي ديگه اشتباهي نكرده باشم خنده به تمام معنا خنده به تمام معنا خنده به تمام معنا

[ وضعيت كاربر: ]

تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 
تشکرها از این پست:

پست تاریخ: سه‌شنبه 18 فروردین 1388 - 08:40    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 129
عضو شده در: 7 بهمن 1387
محل سکونت: usa and Iran

امتياز: 1238

عنوان: خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

Hello dear friend.Let me tell you that you cannot fool us(in farsy gool bezany).No way(be hich agh) Very Happy Your mistakes arenot caused only by writing your words wrongly Mr. Green Please dont think we are children!! Very Happy You should pay very careful attention to english sentence structure.Ofcourse most people want to justify their faults(tojih konand eshtebahateshan ra) Mr. Green So we can understand why you bring this excuse(mitoonim befahmim chera in bahane ra miavarid)Dont worry be happy Razz But I should tell you after reading your persian notes I still cannot understand one thing and that is the difference between young(javan)and mature(balegh) it seems to me they are the same.arent they?I dont know but maybe you meant middle age(miansal) or better tosay middle age ofcourse itsnot a big deal(mozoe mohemy nist)The important thing is that finally we could undrestand the story!
خنده به تمام معنا

[ وضعيت كاربر: ]

تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 
تشکرها از این پست:

پست تاریخ: سه‌شنبه 18 فروردین 1388 - 09:33    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 410
عضو شده در: 11 شهریور 1387
محل سکونت: tehran

امتياز: 5613

عنوان: خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی ارسال email

بابا جاني اونها ميان سال بودن

همون طور كه شما حدس زديد



نجاتم بديييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييد



اصلا چطوره بهم مشق شب بديد

فكر بدي نيست ها Very Happy Smile خنده به تمام معنا

[ وضعيت كاربر: ]

تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 
تشکرها از این پست:

پست تاریخ: سه‌شنبه 18 فروردین 1388 - 12:12    
مدیر انجمن زبان - مترجم سايت
مدیر انجمن زبان - مترجم سايت

پست: 769
عضو شده در: 29 فروردین 1386
محل سکونت: تهران

امتياز: 7132

عنوان: خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی


I really thank u for your English writing
u are brave

for practising!!!
please write your sentences again base on Hoory's corrections.


[ وضعيت كاربر: ]

تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 
تشکرها از این پست:

پست تاریخ: سه‌شنبه 18 فروردین 1388 - 12:51    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 410
عضو شده در: 11 شهریور 1387
محل سکونت: tehran

امتياز: 5613

عنوان: خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی ارسال email

oh my dear chaser

just u r only my coach

who push me to write sentences


what should i do

i hate writing

Crying or Very sad

i`ll try to correct my mistakes how dear hoory tought me


forgeting and lack ofgood partner bothers me

what should i do ? Question

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تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 
تشکرها از این پست:

پست تاریخ: سه‌شنبه 18 فروردین 1388 - 13:56    
مدیريت كل سایت
مدیريت كل سایت

پست: 5504
عضو شده در: 31 اردیبهشت 1384
محل سکونت: -::ساوه::-

امتياز: 47846

عنوان: خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

Yes, You're right.
Young at heart, young in age!
But please discuss about how we can keep our heart young?
I don't know why, but it seems that these days old men are younger than our youngsters Embarassed
For example, my grandfather (have a look at this ) is really younger than me! Embarassed

I want to know your idea about the reason of this fact!
Do you think it because of what they eat? or it is because of their lack of knowledge!!? Believe it or not, our grandfathers and grandmothers don't know the meaning of "Hopelessness" Surprised

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تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 
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