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پست: 412
عضو شده در: 2 خرداد 1384
محل سکونت: زیر گنبد کبود

امتياز: 3591
عنوان: Ebook 4 Beginning Programming With Java |
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Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies, 2nd Edition, By Barry Burd. Covering everything from basic Java development concepts to the latest tools and techniques used in Java, this book will put would-be programmers on their way to Java mastery. Explores what goes into creating a program, how to put the pieces together, dealing with standard programming challenges, debugging, and making it work. Updated for the release of the Java SDK 2.0, with all examples revised to reflect the changes in the technology. *From here you can download the bonus material for this title. The files for this title are stored in ZIP format archives. If your computer is unable to view ZIP archives, you"ll need to download a free trial of WinZip. Additionally, several of the bonus files are in PDF format. If your computer cannot view PDF files, you"ll need to download a version of Adobe Reader for your system.
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