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How could we keep our hearts young?
پست تاریخ: سه‌شنبه 25 فروردین 1388 - 16:55    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 129
عضو شده در: 7 بهمن 1387
محل سکونت: usa and Iran

امتياز: 1238

عنوان: How could we keep our hearts young? خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

As many of you remember I wrote a topic named age is just a number sometime ago.We talked about it and our good friends share their ideas with me.At the end our dear friend hamid asked the reasons for having a young heart and then he himself answered that.He talked about the relation between having a lot of knowledge and having a young heart.he believed that these two things are contradictory or opposite!which made it seem alittle bit philosiphic((falsafy).He and I talked alittle bit but I didnt hear any other sayings from the others so I decided to write another topic whith a new title to make you join again in the discussion and talk about your ideas.Please tell us all the ways you know related to this matter.I'll thank you alot in advance and start talking first.I personally believe having a very good or healthy style of life is the most important factor I mean eating healthy food ,sleeping enough,exercising enough,having good hobbies from any kind and the most important thing having a strong faith(iman) in life .Its the key of sucsess with no doubt!.when God is your trust(etemad va tekyegah), there will be no barrier(sad ya mane) in front of you it means nothing can restrain or obstruct(sad kone ya mane beshe) the way of your sucsess and progress(movafagheat va pishraft)This is the reason why worshiping God(parastesh) and praying(namaz khandan va ebadat) are so important and make you fell good and calm.The power that you get afer each prayer(namaz) is so amazing.I'm sure every body agrees with me . now its your turn .please talk Razz

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پست تاریخ: چهار‌شنبه 26 فروردین 1388 - 09:17    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 410
عضو شده در: 11 شهریور 1387
محل سکونت: tehran

امتياز: 5613

عنوان: پاسخ به «How could we keep our hearts young?» خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی ارسال email

hi all friends

i should mention that i told my opinion befor in last topic that u put dear hoory but u did not attentioned

as u say if humand kind care about what god says he can promote his life with nice style but human kind thinks what god says is hard to do


if he dose those words which blonge to god he will find himself in heaven in this world or in futuer world

and only young heart can feel the heaven even in old age body like cave people that i mentioned befor

good luck

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پست تاریخ: چهار‌شنبه 26 فروردین 1388 - 13:16    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 129
عضو شده در: 7 بهمن 1387
محل سکونت: usa and Iran

امتياز: 1238

عنوان: پاسخ به «How could we keep our hearts young?» خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

First Please dont accuse me of not paying attention!!(motaham be bitavajohy nakon Smile

Second:about that cave men everybody can come and testify(shehadat bede)that you made me so confused by notonly your english explanation butalso by persian explanation!!!that i hardly(besakhty)understood what was going on(mozo che bood
Very Happy Very Happy

Third.Its you that should pay a very careful attention that all these topics and the works done here are just to make you speak english more and increase your vacabulary in one sentence to make a free discution class for free it means free of charge!
خنده به تمام معنا خنده به تمام معنا
?Do you know anything better than this in the world

After kidding now look at your mistakes:

1You didnt pay attention.attention is a noun not a verb

2human kind (noe bashar ya noe ensan) is wrong in your sentence,you should say;Humans(ensanha )

3with a nice style ;attention we need to use indiffinite article(harfe tarif) many times in english sentences while we maybe dont think such a nessasity(zarorat) in persian sentences having (ba dashtane)exactly the same meanings(daghighan haman manyha)

Warning:If he does those words is wrong in english even maybe its better tosay it differently in farsy

We say if we do those works or jobs . for the noun"words" we use the vebs such as listen or pay attention so we say;If he listens or pay attention to these words which belonge to God or if we do do the works which God wants

4In the future
5In old age body is wrong we say :in the body of an old age person
old age is an adjective(sefat ).we can use it in another way:in the bodies of the old.here the old is a noun wich comes with the and its meaning in farsy is;pirha Good luck

[ وضعيت كاربر: ]

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پست تاریخ: چهار‌شنبه 26 فروردین 1388 - 17:10    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 410
عضو شده در: 11 شهریور 1387
محل سکونت: tehran

امتياز: 5613

عنوان: پاسخ به «How could we keep our hearts young?» خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی ارسال email

حوري جون يه كاري مي كنيد كه من تركي بگم ها

بابا او كهول ادام لاري چون آللهي تانيرديلار جوانيدلار

باش تاپديز ؟؟؟

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تشکرها از این پست:

پست تاریخ: چهار‌شنبه 26 فروردین 1388 - 17:57    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 129
عضو شده در: 7 بهمن 1387
محل سکونت: usa and Iran

امتياز: 1238

عنوان: پاسخ به «How could we keep our hearts young?» خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

Thank you so much .appreciate.I got it!! Smile

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تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 
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پست تاریخ: پنج‌شنبه 27 فروردین 1388 - 09:52    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 410
عضو شده در: 11 شهریور 1387
محل سکونت: tehran

امتياز: 5613

عنوان: پاسخ به «How could we keep our hearts young?» خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی ارسال email

خودمونيم ها حوري جان شما تركي بهتر از انگليسي بلدي خنده به تمام معنا

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تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 
تشکرها از این پست:

پست تاریخ: پنج‌شنبه 27 فروردین 1388 - 10:58    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 129
عضو شده در: 7 بهمن 1387
محل سکونت: usa and Iran

امتياز: 1238

عنوان: پاسخ به «How could we keep our hearts young?» خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

You know when you start learning a new language you are so motivated(ba angize)and eager(aleghemand)to learn it atleast the most common(mamooly ya morede estefade) and nessasery things.ofcourse you have enough motivation(angize) and eagerness(alaghe ya zoogh va shogh)but you are just lazy to practice!Thats all(hamash hamin)!!!

خنده به تمام معنا خنده به تمام معنا خنده به تمام معنا

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تشکر کردن از پست  پاسخگویی به این موضوع بهمراه نقل قول 
تشکرها از این پست:

پست تاریخ: پنج‌شنبه 27 فروردین 1388 - 15:32    
مدیريت كل سایت
مدیريت كل سایت

پست: 5504
عضو شده در: 31 اردیبهشت 1384
محل سکونت: -::ساوه::-

امتياز: 47846

عنوان: پاسخ به «How could we keep our hearts young?» خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

Look! I think we have been created to discover the secret of life.
Most of people think being successful is the goal of our creation and some of them think having a peaceful life is the goal, and others (specially in Western countries) think being rich is the goal.
But as you know, these are relative things, I mean we cannot say who is successful and who is rich and plutocrat (pooldaar) and who has a peaceful life!
It's like saying: 10000 is the greatest number! No, there is still a greater number: 10000+1
More about this, here:
But I think there is something in the world that wouldn't have any better case, I mean it itself is the best. I don't know what but I think the goal of our creation is discovering this thing.
Most likely when we discover this secret, we could make and keep our heart young.

It seems that we have to look for it in what you said, I mean our relationship with GOD.

OK, Let's go and look for it. Test it and see if worshiping GOD keeps your heart young?
Tell us if the answer is YES.
I'm searching too...

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پست تاریخ: پنج‌شنبه 27 فروردین 1388 - 15:47    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 410
عضو شده در: 11 شهریور 1387
محل سکونت: tehran

امتياز: 5613

عنوان: پاسخ به «How could we keep our hearts young?» خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی ارسال email

dear hamid

i think this is out of Q

because we must not search a way of life by our knowlage we have to accept god`s words

u know why

because God is bigest one that no one could intrduce him


GOd is base of knowlage and whole of it bigins from god

so what the god says is true and logical man should trusts him

when god says that the aim of creation is worship so we should and we have to accept it
when the god says who has belife he has young heart we should accept

so Q is how we can do exactly god`s order ?
why most of us did not and do not respect god in our act?

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پست تاریخ: پنج‌شنبه 27 فروردین 1388 - 19:54    
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!
داره كولاك مي‌كنه!

پست: 129
عضو شده در: 7 بهمن 1387
محل سکونت: usa and Iran

امتياز: 1238

عنوان: پاسخ به «How could we keep our hearts young?» خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

[align=center]Dear freinds hamid and mhgh I think the both of you have common ideas.I mean you say one thing but in two different ways.You both believe that spitituality(rohaniat va manavyat) is the most important thing in life .I believe it too.I think to be a spiritual person in life is the most factors for having a very good life full of joy and happiness.It really plays a big and amazing role in overcoming(ghalabe) all difficulties of life such as fear,stress or tention,anxiety ,depression, and other bad feelings. as we say in our religion:When God is always on your mind there will be no place for bad things such as devil thoughts and hoplessness.To leave your life in God's trust(tavakol be khoda) is the most important mottos(shoar) of muslems.I 'm sure all religious people believe that faith(Iman) and loving God make them the most brave and powerful persons in the world ,Ther is a beautiful sentence Faith will fade away(mahv)all worries(negaraniha) [/align
Good luck and thanks for sharing your ideas with me [align=center]

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