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پست تاریخ: چهار‌شنبه 26 خرداد 1389 - 22:55    
مدیريت كل سایت
مدیريت كل سایت

پست: 5506
عضو شده در: 31 اردیبهشت 1384
محل سکونت: -::ساوه::-

امتياز: 47864

عنوان: Hijab خواندن مشخصات فردی ارسال پیام شخصی

Today I received an email about Hijab.
Told to myself that it might be useful, so let me paste it here:

Subject: Most Canadians want niqab restricted
Assalamu alaikum

There is no surprise if non Muslim countries ban hijab or niqab since they are non-Muslim,
they don't care what Islamic values are, real surprise is that majority of Muslims women
don't practice niqab or even hijab, and majority of Muslim men don't care if their wives
practice this important order of Allah or not. There are hundreds of Muslim families where
we won't find any single home or person who care about niqab or hijab.

Not only that but Muslim women now have taken a further step, which is nakedness, women
wearing half sleeves which is very common, many women wear semi naked saarhi
(especially in India / Pakistan), many women now don't put the cloth sheet on their body so
part of their chest stays naked.

Surprise is, Muslim men even don't realize or don't care that when their wives go out in this
condition then unlimited men get aroused by watching their naked body parts, especially in
non-Muslim countries, there are Christian, Jews, Hindus, Sikh, rapists, alcoholic, gangsters,
street bums, homo se*`*x and all kind of people see them and get aroused and enjoy the
view then day dream while thinking about these Muslim women and girls.

Can you imagine what is the level of ghaira of these Muslim men? Majority of Muslims men
unknowingly are making it easy for unlimited and all kind of men to enjoy and get aroused
and pleasure with their wives by allowing them to live without hijab or with nakedness

Women don’t really understand the nature of men so they wear naked kind of cloths without
knowing that unlimited and all kind of men are enjoying with them.

I know some of them purposely not practicing hijab to attract men, but the fact is, women
listen to their husbands, if husbands help and encourage their wives then I believe 90% of
married women will start practicing hijab.

Those Muslim women who are not practicing proper hijab, they are not living respectful life,
they choose disrespectful life just to please their husbands, why won’t they choose respectful
life if their husbands pleased with that?

The thing that really surprises me is that how Muslim men tolerate such a disturbing
condition of their wives?

With this all around the Muslim world, Muslim's act surprised and complain “Why non
Muslim countries are not treating us nicely and fairly”

Why would they? Do we give any importance to Islamic values?

Farrukh Abidi

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