Don't speak as a Muslim
Consider that you have born in a Secular family and you're looking for a way to keep your heart young.
Yes, I know faith is the best way of keeping heart young but do we really believe it? or we say what our ancestor (niakaan) said?
If we believe it, why don't we have a young heart?
When I said "Let's go and look for the best way of keeping our heart young" I meant if we go and really look for it, surely we'll understand that there are no ways better than God. In this case we would have a
REAL FAITH, now, our heart would be young.
Did you get?
Allah says:
فبشّر عباد الذین یستمعون القول و یتبعون احسنه
In Farsi it means:
به بندگانی که قولهای مختلف را میشنوند و از بین آنها بهترین را بر میگزینند و پیروی میکنند، بشارت نیکو بده
In other words, God says: You people! No problem, Go and look for the BEST WAY and follow it. I'm sure that finally you'll reach to this conclusion: Allah and Islam are the best ways.
GOD doesn't have any fear of our searching, instead he encourages us to do so.
Why doesn't he have any fear of that? Because he is sure that finally we'll be back to him.
Hope to get my point.
So, finally as you said, one of the most effective ways of keeping our hearts young is believing in God and being Muslim. But these are not enough! we need to do what Islam says.
In other words, if we accept that Muslim's God offers the best way, it's the turn of looking for the ways of keeping our hearts young in Islamic instructions.
I'll find some Hadith about this subject and hopefully I'll send them here... You too, try to do so
Thanks for reading